
SolBridge believes in "a healthy mind in a healthy body". There are services both on and off-campus that are available to students. Please contact Student Services if there is something that you require. Please make sure that you keep your Health Care card safe and handy at all times. It will be useful if you need any emergency services or medical assistance, and it contains information that will allow the service provider to get in touch with SolBridge should you be unable to communicate with the medical staff.

On Campus


During SolBridge office hours, there is always someone available to assist you in an emergency. Please contact Student Services on the 5th floor if you need to use our first aid supplies.

After office hours (or if you are unable to reach Student Services), please call our 24-hour emergency number at 010-2569-**** for assistance. Depending upon the type of emergency, the on call Student Services Officer will direct you to the nearest qualified medical professional in your neighborhood, or travel with you to ensure you get the medical aid you require.

Other Woosong campuses also have first aid facilities, but you have to contact the Administration office for assistance.


The SolBridge International School of Business Learning Complex contains a five-storey sports complex. It includes a health and fitness center, swimming pool, sauna, basketball court and table tennis tables.

Most of the new dormitories have fitness equipment in the building.

Off Campus


There is a wide range of medical services available in the Republic of Korea. However, some of these services are not cheap, nor is it easy to communicate with the medical professional if you do not know Korean. If you require medical assistance, please contact Student Services Officer to assist you.

Some centers where you may find English spoken are listed below:

Chung-nam University General Hospital (충남대병원)
Address: 640 Daesa-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon
(대전광역시중구대사동 640)
Tel: 042-280-7114 / 042-280-8139
Sun General Hospital (선병원)
Located across the street from the Immigration Office
Address:10-7 Mok-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon
(대전광역시중구목동 10-7)
Tel: 042-220-8000 / 042-220-8220
(Jung, Eun-mi정은미 - English speaking interpreter)

Other medical services

Below is a list of hospitals offering English-speaking services for accessible and quality healthcare. Please review the options and choose the facility that best meets your needs.

Kind of Hospital Type Name of the Hospiatl Hospital Location Hospital Location (English) Hospital Phone 영어가능여부
General General Hospital 충남대학교병원 (Chungnam National University Hospital) 대전광역시 중구 문화로 282 충남대학교병원 282, Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 1599-7123 O
대전선병원 (Daejeon Sun Medical Center) 대전광역시 중구 목중로 29 선병원 29, Mokjung-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 1588-7011 O
가톨릭대학교 대전성모병원 (Catholic University Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital) 대전광역시 중구 대흥로 64 가톨릭대학교대전성모병원 64, Daeheung-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 1577-0888 O
Dentisry Clinic 성남치과 (Seongnam Dental Clinic) 대전광역시 동구 우암로 159 1층 159, Uam-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 042-633-2875 O
박재국연합치과 (Park Jae Gook Dental Group) 대전광역시 동구 동서대로 1688 7층 1688, Dongseo-daero, Dong-gu, Daejeon 0507-1410-5935 O
Dermatology 오라클피부과의원 대전둔산점 (Oracle Dermatology Clinic Daejeon Dunsan Branch) 대전 서구 대덕대로 182 오라클빌딩 6층 182 Daedeok-daero, Seo-gu, Daejeon 0507-1409-8975 O
성모피부과의원 (St. Mary’s Dermatology Clinic) 대전 중구 중앙로 165 165 Jungang-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 042-252-3333 O
Obstetrics&Gynecology 가양산부인과의원 (Gayang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic) 대전광역시 동구 우암로 273 273, Uam-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 042-623-7766 O
Ophthalmology 민들레안과 (Dandelion Eye Clinic) 대전 동구 동대전로 81 6층 81, Dongdaejeon-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 042-632-0082 O

Please note that pre-reservation might be required, and we strongly recommend checking the working hours and availability in advance to ensure smooth access to the services.

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