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Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony Held
Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony Held An induction ceremony for SolBridge’s topstudents into Beta Gamma Sigma, an international business honorary society, wasrecently held.During the brief ceremony, nine students wereofficially inducted into the honor society. Dr. Bill Hunsaker from ...
Spring Commencement Ceremony Held
SpringCommencement Ceremony Held On June 15th, the Spring 2015 Commencement Ceremony washeld in SolBridge’s fourth floor auditorium. This spring, a total of 64prospective graduates (51 BBA and 13 MBA) will receive diplomas. Of these prospective graduates, 22 are from China followed...
“MOU Signing ceremony”- Dhaka University and Woo...
Dhaka University & Woosong University join handsDhaka University in Bangladesh, referred to as the “Oxford of the East” had visited SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University on 28th May, 2015. It was a delegation of 22 members which included 3 Deans as fo...
SolBridgers, Together for Nepal
"SolBridgers, Together for Nepal" Campaign Recent news regarding Nepal has stirred in us the need to start a special campaign to support the people who have been affected by the earthquakes. For the next 5 days, we will have a table set up on the entrance lobby of th...
Special Lecture: “Self-Leadership and Personal Br...
Oneof the things that students at SolBridge hear a lot about from the very firsttime they set foot in school is the need to work on one’s “soft skills.”Whether it’s learning a third or even fourth language or improving one’spresentation and writing skills, students who study at SolBridge ...
2015 Spring Sol-Seniors' Night
Special Lecture: The Hotel Industry
What does it take to run one of the world’s most famous hotel chains in South Korea? SolBridge students, faculty, and staff found out recently during a special lecture by Matthew Cooper, the General Manager of the Marriott Hotel in Seoul.“You have to be innovative,” the Australian native said....
Air and Water: Are They Free Goods?
Platinum Lecture XXVI"Air and Water: Are They Free Goods?"Two of the more important issues facing the world these days are ones that affect everyone on the planet: clean air and water.In an insightful and fact-packed lecture, Dr. Seung-Soo Han, former Prime Minister, Republic of Korea, lo...
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