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Events & Excursions
Sol-Find Home
Solfindhome provides assistance to SolBridge students who want to live outside of the campus. Room renting prices are varying on the size of the room. Solfindhome is a Voluntary Service by SolBridge students for those who need help finding home outside of the campus....
Solbridge Study Abroad Spring 2015 Info Session
Dear Students, The information session on outbound programs for Spring 2016 programs will be held next week! Don't miss this opportunity to find out about requirements for outbound programs and hear from SolBridge students who studied abroad! The session will be held on: ...
2015 Austral - Asian Intervarsity Debating Champio...
2015 Austral - Asian Intervarsity Debating Championship
Sol-Volunteer Opportunity
Our Vision:"Asian Center of Excellence in Global Business Education" Our Mission:"Educating the Next Generation of Asian Thought Leaders" Who is an Asian Thought Leader?An Asian Thought Leader is someone with GACCS. G: Global PerspectiveA: Asian ExpertiseC: Cros...
SolBridge Drama Class: An Evening of Variety
Dear SolBridgers: You are cordially invited to attend the performances prepared by the SolBridge Drama Class. The evening of variety, with comedy, drama, traditional legends, and more will take place on Thursday this week at 7 PM in the 4th floor auditorium. No tickets needed. J...
Sterilization Notice
Due to the concern about MERS, all fo the facilities in SolBridge will be sterilized on 4th and 5th of June, 2015
2015 Spring SolBridge Commencement
2015 Spring SolBridge Commencement June 15th (Mon)11 AM4fh Floor, Auditorium Hall, SolBridge
Dear SolBridgers, We are glad to announce the date of one of the most awaited events of this semester - Spring 2015 Graduation Party - Friday, June 12, 2015. This is the occasion when we celebrate together the end of the semester with our prospectives graduates a...
International Conference for the Integration of Sc...
Dear SolBridgers: The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) will host the International Conference for the Integration of Science and Technology (ICISTS) on August 3-7, 2015. If you are interested in exploring how science and technology will shape the near future,&nbs...
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