Events & Excursions

SolBridge and Daejeon Rotary Club Sign MOU

SolBridge and Daejeon Rotary Club Sign MOU

Rotary International District 3680 and the SolBridge International School of Business signed an MOU on April 3, 2013 in the seminar room on the 12th floor.The two institutions will work as partners to arrange various activities for students including mentoring programs and voluntary services.Additio...

| 2013.04.20
Spring 2013 Clubs Expo

Spring 2013 Clubs Expo

 Recently, around four o’clock on a Thursday afternoon, there was a beehive of activity inside the third floor gymnasium as students gathered and mill around outside the locked doors. Although everyone knew about the scheduled event—had received email from Student Services earlier in the week,...

| 2013.03.16
Three SolBridge Professors Selected as Honorary Envoys

Three SolBridge Professors Selected as Honorary En...

 Recently, three SolBridge professors were appointed as Honorary Envoys by the Korean government for Korea’s public diplomacy.Professors Dilip Das,Tonatiuh Najera Ruiz,and Aye Alemu Mengistu were tapped for this most auspicious award which carries a one-year appointment. SolBridge was one of s...

| 2013.03.09
Spring Convocation

Spring Convocation

 The Spring 2013 semester officially got underway on March 4 with the Welcome Convocation in the fourth floor auditorium.Speaking before the standing room only auditorium of students and professors, SolBridge’s Vice Chancellor, Dr. John Endicott welcomed returning and new students to SolBridge...

| 2013.03.09
MOU Korail Retail

MOU Korail Retail

 On January 14, 2013, SolBridge International School of Business and Korail Retail Co. signed an MOU. This agreement was made between two institutions for successful cooperation for both sides’ development and common interests and to provide SolBridge students with internship and job seeking o...

| 2013.01.24
The following is the Fall 2012 MBA Valedictory speech

The following is the Fall 2012 MBA Valedictory spe...

Chairman Kim, President Endicott, Dean Jun, Professors, parents, friends, and fellow graduates, good morning.I am elated at the opportunity given to me to present the valedictory speech of the fall 2012 MBA graduating class. I am humbled and I count myself privileged by this honorary role and I say ...

| 2013.01.12
The following is the Fall 2012 BBA Valedictorian Speech

The following is the Fall 2012 BBA Valedictorian S...

“Dear Chairman Kim, President Endicott, Dean Jun, faculty, friends, families, and fellow graduates. It’s my honor to stand here as the BBA valedictorian for the Fall 2012 graduating class.My fellow graduates, I know how you feel now. Please be patient; my speech will be short.Congratulations! Toda...

| 2013.01.04
New Year 2013

New Year 2013


| 2012.12.25
Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012


| 2012.12.25
Visit from Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical

Visit from Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical

 Dr. Daria Kozlova, Deputy Dean of International Relations, from Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPSPU) visited SolBridge International School of Business to discuss the possibility of creating a new partnership between SolBridge and SPSPU. Vice President Hwang, Mr. Stephen Jac...

| 2012.12.05

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